Why Tooth Loss Matters, and How Implants Help


Despite how often it happens, losing a tooth isn’t an inevitable process. Most patients can retain their healthy, natural teeth for life with consistently good hygiene and regular care from their dentist. Yet it’s still a common problem, and when patients don’t replace the teeth they’ve lost, their dental health concerns can continue to grow more severe. With an appropriate number of dental implants, however, you may be able to stem many of the long-term consequences of tooth loss and enjoy a dental prosthesis that closely mimics your natural teeth.

What Happens When You Lose Teeth

Of the many concerns surrounding tooth loss, the appearance of your smile may seem like the most obvious. An interrupted row of teeth can make your smile appear unhealthy and less attractive, causing you to hide your smile out of embarrassment. But the consequences of tooth loss are more than skin deep. The loss can cause other teeth to shift due to imbalanced bite pressure, and the missing root can cause your jawbone to gradually lose density due to diminished stimulation. Over time, a weaker jawbone will increase your risks of experiencing further tooth loss and exacerbating the problem.

How Dental Implants Address These Issues

The good news is that you have several options for replacing lost teeth depending on how many you’ve lost, and dental implants can be ideal for patients with all types of tooth loss patterns. Implants are small, root-like posts that are inserted into the jawbone in place of missing teeth roots, offering unmatched support for your dental crown, bridge, or denture while helping you retain your jawbone’s strength and integrity.