Though it can greatly affect how your smile looks, malocclusion (the state of crooked teeth) is more than just a cosmetic issue. Tooth misalignment can expose some of your teeth to excessive pressure from your …
Cosmetic Tips for a Naturally Bright Smile
Teeth stains can dampen any smile, and unfortunately, they can occur in spite of excellent dental hygiene. Even if you brush and floss your teeth twice a day and regularly attend your dental checkups and …
Your Dentist’s Guide to Good Dental Health
Good dental health can seem fairly simple. After all, as long as you consistently brush and floss your teeth and refrain from eating too much sugar, you should be able to keep your teeth healthy. …
Do You Have Questions About Porcelain Veneers?
If you’ve ever wondered why the rich and famous almost always seem to have unusually-beautiful smiles, you might be pleased to know that you can, too. The truth is that beautiful smiles are not a …
How Cosmetic Dentistry Improves What Your Smile Can Do
You may not need to study scientific research to know that a confident smile offers myriad benefits, from lightening the mood around you to making you look more appealing. Did you know, however, that a …
Got a Toothache? Ask Your Dentist Why
If you’ve ever had a toothache, you probably won’t forget it. Although small, your teeth serve a grand purpose (allowing you to chew and speak properly), and when they’re bothered, the discomfort that your teeth …
How Invisalign® Works, and Other FAQs
For many patients, the trouble with crooked teeth is that it negatively affects the appearance of their smiles. If you asked your dentist, however, you may realize that the more significant trouble with crooked teeth …
FAQs About Tooth Loss and Dental Implants
Given the many different reasons why you might lose your permanent teeth, it may come as no surprise that much of modern dentistry focuses on replacing lost teeth. Besides bringing youth and beauty back to …
What’s the Point of Cosmetic Dental Bonding?
Cosmetic smile improvement is a customized job; there is no one-size-fits-all treatment, and your cosmetic dentist must tailor your treatment to your specific needs and preferences. Often, those preferences include minimal time in the dentist’s …
Why Straight Teeth Matter to Your Dental Health
The visual effects of malocclusion (misaligned teeth) are often noticeable and can diminish your confidence, but if you can live with the misalignment, then should you straighten your teeth, anyway? The answer is yes, straightening …