When oral bacteria accumulate, they form the sticky film known as plaque to protect themselves against your mouth’s natural defenses, like saliva. Plaque also allows bacteria to cling to your teeth and gums and feed …
Wondering Why Your Tooth Aches? Ask Your Dentist!
Toothaches are perhaps the most widely-experienced form of dental discomfort, and they can indicate a number of different issues (some of which require immediate attention). Tooth discomfort can also be severely debilitating, and many adults …
What are the Cosmetic Benefits of Dental Implants?
A smile is one of your most prominent facial features. Consequently, tooth loss is one of the most visible dental problems, and can significantly affect your confidence and quality of life. If you’ve lost one …
Why Choose Porcelain Veneers?
Smile improvement is a creative process, as well as a scientific one. The final result should be a well-balanced, esthetically pleasing smile with perfect symmetry and blemish-free teeth. The process, however, should focus on limiting …
3 Ways You Can Prevent Adult Tooth Loss
Did you know that you’re not destined to lose your adult teeth as you grow older? Given the frequency with which it occurs, it’s understandable that many people view permanent tooth loss as simply another …
Necessary Nutrients for Good Dental Health
Calcium and phosphate, found abundantly in dairy products and many fruits and vegetables, are among many essential minerals and nutrients that you need to maintain a strong, healthy smile. Both are important for bone strength, …
3 Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings
Cavities are common, but they are usually treated long before they cause significant damage, and in many cases, that treatment consists of a dental filling. Even if you’ve never had a filling placed, chances are …
What to Ask Before Invisalign® Treatment
You might enjoy learning that you can straighten crooked teeth without orthodontic braces by choosing Invisalign® clear aligners instead. However, before beginning treatment, you and your dentist will want to make sure that it is …
What TMJ Disorder Means
Most people have experienced a popping or clicking jaw at least once, or at least know someone who has. Because it happens so frequently, not everyone realizes that clicking jaw joints could be a sign …
What Does Cosmetic Dentistry Mean?
There are many reasons to visit the dentist, from regular routine checkups and cleanings to discussing options for completely rebuilding your smile. For many people, the goal of their dental visits is to improve their …